
When your licenses has been revoked for previous driving offenses your license will not be immediately reinstated once you have met the restricted time line. Arizona DUI Services online Revocation will help you complete the required Revocation evaluation which can lead to the restoration of your driving privileges. Our MVD approved online Revocation evaluation is simple, fast and accommodating. Before starting the Revocation process Arizona DUI Services recommends you contact the MVD to confirm you are eligible for the Revocation application. Once the MVD has approved your Revocation eligibility the process is pretty straight forward.

What to expect during your evaluation

Your evaluation will take 15 to 20 minutes. You and your evaluator complete the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (M.A.S.T.) which reviews your current and past alcohol and drug use. It is best to be honest when answering the M.A.S.T. questions. Any discrepancies in your answers and reality will only reflect negatively on you when the MVD’s Revocation Board is reviewing your application. You will be asked if you have completed any education or treatment. If you have previously completed education or treatment it is best to upload the documents into your dashboard. You will be asked if you have had any violations in the last 12 months, if you are required to install an ignition interlock. Lastly, you will be asked If you are on probation and if your probation officer has endorsed your desire to complete the Revocation application.

It’s all about you

Being eligible for Revocation is really an indication of you making smart choice for an extended period of time. Therefore Arizona DUI Services Revocation process is pretty straightforward. We are not here to an obstacle to getting your license re-instated, and actually are excited to play a small role in your success. For many of our Revocation clients it has been years since they have had their driver license and the independence that comes with having a license.


5 things to know before you start your online Revocation

The Revocation process should be a smooth process. This is not always the case. Some of our clients get to the end of the process only to find out they are still ineligible for reinstated driving privileges.To make the process go as planned here are 5 precautions for the Revocation process.

Make sure you have all valid scripts and justification for any medication used- including marijuana

Arizona DUI Services is not here to judge you. If a substance was part of the original violation you need to share copies of your prescriptions. The case for your reinstated driving privileges will be bolstered with the additional supporting documentation. Transparency is essential to the revocation process. What If you did not have scripts for the substance in your system at the time of your incident? This is not an automatic denial. However it is important that you share that information with Arizona DUI Services during your evaluation.

     You may need an interlock device

You’ve waited patiently and have been on your best behavior while your license was revoked. The truth is you still may have some state or court orders requirements to fulfill. It is not uncommon for our clients to complete the Revocation process and still need an ignition interlock. The interlock device is not ideal for clients but authorities believe the additional step of accountability is the best option for everyone involved.

Have certificates from prior treatment available

In most cases clients who have had their licensed revoked have participated in treatment plans or program. Each completed treatment plan is an accomplishment and something to be proud of. Your certificates are evidence of you hard work and dedication directed toward your sobriety. Presenting your certificates to Arizona DUI Services gives us an opportunity to make a more complete evaluation. The certificates are also considered when determining if any additional treatment is needed.

Reinstatement will cost money

We have had more than one client call us in a bit of a panic. The client went to the MVD but were still ineligible to reinstate their driving privileges. They are confused because they were assured that we would recommend they get their driver licenses back. After a few call to the MVD with some sensible questions we find the client still had fees to pay before they were able to get their license.

 If you did not complete any treatment or education previously you will now

It is not uncommon for us to have clients who were arrested and convicted of a previous DUI and not complete the state required penalties. For whatever reason they did not complete a DUI Alcohol and Drug screening or the 16 Hours of DUI Education. Now they are getting mail correspondence from the MVD notifying them that they are eligible to have their driving privileges reinstated if they complete the Revocation process. The client completes the Revocation process and heads down to the MVD to get a brand-new license and is denied. Upset clients call us to vent their frustration. However, a quick call to the MVD typically uncovers why the application was rejected. In most cases the client failed to completed an Alcohol and Drug Screening or the 16 Hours of DUI Education.

There you have it the 5 precautions for the Revocation Process.The Revocation is the final stage in the process of having driving privileges reinstated. The Revocation is a day of triumph and to ensure there are no bumps in the road Arizona DUI Services strongly encourages you to contact the MVD and speak with a level 2 rep. The level 2 rep has access to your MVD account and can explain the steps and processes you need to complete to get back on the road.

If the MVD is asking you to complete a DUI Alcohol and Drug Screening or 16 Hours of DUI Education in addition to your Revocation, Arizona DUI Services is the place for you! By delivering our services electronically we give you the freedom to finish your court or state ordered requirements at your convenience. To complete your Revocation, DUI Alcohol and Drug Screening or your 16 Hour DUI Education follow this link



                       Arizona DUI Services

                       10219 N 45th Ave

                       Glendale, AZ 85302

  • Complete your Revocation Evaluation

Click here to begin your DUI Revocation